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This past spring construction began on ODOT project 626(08), Seasons Road Interchange, to help promote development in northern Summit County between the Stow and Hudson border. Four new ramps and a reconstructed Seasons Road will tie into SR 8 to allow direct access to this area.
As is customary with soils in this region, it has made the project unique in terms of treating the subsurface conditions. The new diamond interchange lies adjacent to large wetlands with underlying organic material. The new southbound entrance ramp required 4,000 wick drains installed 28 feet through an aggregate drainage blanket to maintain the 4-month settlement period called for in the plans. Piezometers were installed to monitor soil pore pressure while constructing the embankment/ surcharge. Fills had to be placed at a controlled rate so as not to exceed pre-determined PSF limits. Independence earthwork crews had to carefully plan their work to stay within these limits while also maximizing the productivity of the Cat 385 excavator loading operation. In addition to challenging soil conditions on the ramps, ODOT will close Seasons Road for 120 days to have 1,900' of existing road completely reconstructed. Approximately 20,000 cubic yards of granular type D material, sized 8" will be utilized to bridge over soft sub-grades, and the asphalt road will be widened to accommodate turn lanes for the interchange. Once the grading and drainage work is complete, the 25' wide ramps will receive 10" of concrete paving where they will meet the existing SR 8 lanes. Various other project improvements include lighting and signage upgrades for all the ramps.
Independence would like to thank ODOT District 4 personnel Bulent Bilgin, Tony Pamer, Jim McCleary with the City of Stow, and all of our subcontractors involved with this necessary highway improvement.