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In November 2009, Independence was awarded phase 1 of the site preparation activities for the Brier Hill Industrial Park in Girard, Ohio. ODOT sold this project as it was a part of the ARRA stimulus funding received by Ohio.
The project's scope of work includes excavation of 720,000 cubic yards of fill/slag material, embanking 430,000 cubic yards and disposing the excess on-site. Since the project was started towards the end of the prime earthmoving season, we had limited time to take advantage of the mild fall weather. In order to maximize our timeframe, multiple crews were mobilized to the site to perform the mass grading in November and December of 2009. To date, we have been able to accomplish all of the contract milestone dates called for in our contract.
In addition to the mass grading, our scope also includes miscellaneous demolition, installation of 200' of 10' x 5' box culvert, 2,000' of 72" RCP and manholes, 11,000 cubic yards of clay liner and an aggregate access road. We are currently on schedule to complete all work in the spring of 2010.
Photo (pictured from left to right):Dan Weimer, Brian Treharne, Bruce Frankford, Ron Shuffstall, John Lisko, Raven Black, Kevin Zarnosky, Steve Slansky, Tommy Thompson, Chuck Begue, Rick Evans, Steve Showman, Dan Burkeholder, Chad Lance, Dan Patrick, Steve Self Sr. and Matt Fuentes