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In April of this year, Independence was awarded a contract to begin the lateral expansion of a residual waste landfill for the Conesville Plant located in Conesville, Ohio. As the existing landfill nears planned capacity, the owner utilized this construction season to begin the mass excavation of an adjacent hillside to accommodate future storage of FGD material generated by the Conesville Plant.
Independence crews began E&S control work, grubbing operations and topsoil removal in May and commenced earthmoving operations in early June. The project calls for the excavation of approximately 1,100,000 cubic yards of material to either waste on-site or to be sized according to owner's needs. Independence is responsible for processing 370,000 cubic yards of material from the excavation ranging in size from 0"-6" of soil/ rock mixtures to 6"-18" of rip rap. Generating this quantity of processed material has taken careful coordination by excavation crews in order to ensure acceptable sized material is placed in designated areas, even though the excavation contains mostly hard ripped and/or blasted rock.
We have also worked an aggressive schedule in order to maintain the owner's completion date. We began loading/hauling with two 10-hour shifts per day in early July to help maintain the project's schedule. The contract requires 860,000 cubic yards of material to be moved by September 30, 2009.