
2020 TQI Partnering Award: Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Southern Beltway 55-A1

Thank you Associated Builders and Contractors Eastern Pa. Chapter for recognizing our work on this monumental project in our company's history. We are thrilled to have been a part of this amazing team!

Summer co-op's fund raise to build playhouse for deserving family in our community

Each summer DiGCo Digs Deep and our co-op team participate in a service project to assist a member of our community in need.

Safe and successful boiler drop at the former Mercer Generating ​Station in Trenton, New Jersey

Thank you Leo Slansky, Steve Wilk, Jeremy Cuson, Paul Hazel, Corey Jones, Dykon Explosive Demolition and our dedicated crews for performing this safely and smoothly!

Independence Plumbing featured in Master Builder's Associations Breaking Ground Publication

Independence Excavating launched its plumbing division, Independence Plumbing in 2019. Click to read the feature in the latest issue of Master Builder's Breaking Ground publication.

Independence Excavating Coloring Contest

Kiddos home from school due to COVID-19? Running out of things to occupy them? Download our coloring pages! When complete, take a picture and submit entries to for a chance to win an IX swag bag! Don't forget to share your images on social media and tag us!

Please be sure to include contestants name, age and the city and state in which you are located on each entry submitted. Winners will be selected on April 30th and announced the following week!

Happy coloring!

Safe and successful explosive felling at former Hudson Generating Station

Media Statement: Sherwin-Williams/Valor Acres

Pinecrest Wins North American Design and Development Award

Pinecrest, Cleveland’s newest mixed-use district by DiGeronimo Companies and Fairmount Properties, took home Gold (the top honor for mixed-use developments) in the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Global Awards for North American Design and Development.

DiGCo Digs Deep this Holiday Season

Thank you for giving this holiday season!

Demolition of Herschel Greer Stadium in Nashville

Demo crews raze the iconic Herschel Greer Stadium in Nashville, Tennessee.

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