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The Independence Safety Team was honored to accept the OCA Jerry Keller Safety Award in recognition for accumulating nearly 1,000,000 man hours without a lost time accident.
Rich DiGeronimo inducted into the OCA Hall of Fame
70-acre site development project making way for more retail in Garfield Heights
Concrete work for the new hospital in Lake County
Construction of new retaining walls, truck road, and expanding the loading dock area at L’Oreal Professional Products division in Streetsboro.
Route 8 & I-271 Phase 1 Reconstruction Project in northern Summit County
National City Bank Data Headquarters expansion project which has a completion date for occupancy in January 2008.
Excavation of a 5 acre basement averaging 21 feet deep!
The slots are now open while Independence Excavating continues to support the finishing operations at the rest of the facility.
The Vista Pointe Landfill wraps up after a bumpy winter and an aggressive schedule.